Fresh Perspective: Witch of Lupine Hollow

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Click on this post to follow my new blog, The Witch of Lupine Hollow!

Hello everyone! Almost three years later, I am finally planning to return to blogging. My life is very different than it was when I left Witch of Howling Creek behind: I’ve earned my degree, moved to a new town, started a new (sometimes crazy) job and been through a lot of big changes, (some amazing, some devastating.)

In light of all the ‘new’ in my life, I’ve decided to start fresh on a new blog with a new perspective: The Witch of Lupine Hollow. Join me over on the site for cottage witchery and a fresh path.


2 thoughts on “Fresh Perspective: Witch of Lupine Hollow

  1. Congratulations and welcome back. I’m new to the Craft and am looking forward to learning as much about it as I can. Merry meet.

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